Answered By: Library Desk
Last Updated: 30 May 2017     Views: 1034

Step 1  Make a Copy of Each Chapter

  • Make a copy of each chapter as a separate Word document so you can always return to the originals if something goes wrong.

Step 2  Unformat Citations

  • If you've been using Instant Formatting, each chapter will have formatted in-text citations like this: (Jones, 1957), with a bibliography at the end of each chapter.
  • In Word, open up each one of your chapter copies and use the EndNote tool Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Unformatted Citations.This should change any citations to their unformatted form to look like this: {Jones, 1957 #4} and the bibliography will disappear.

Step 3  Combine the Chapters

  • When your thesis, chapter, etc. is complete you are ready to merge all chapters into a single document.
  • Select all the text (try Ctrl+A) in your copy of chapter 2 and paste it at the end of your copy of chapter 1. Repeat these steps for the remaining chapter copies until the thesis is in one document. When you have finished, save this document as your master copy of the thesis, for example, .thesis_master.doc
  • Open thesis_master.doc and on the EndNote tab in Word choose Update Citations and Bibliography (previously called Format Bibliography). EndNote will format all your citations and create a bibliography at the end of the document. Save your changes.
    Note: when you unformat citations it disables instant formatting in Word. If you would like to restore this, on the EndNote tab click on the small down arrow to the right of Bibliography. When the dialogue box opens up, click on the Instant Formatting tab, click on Turn On and then on OK.

Final Step  Remove Field Codes

When you are ready to submit your thesis, the final step is to remove the EndNote field codes. These codes link your document with your EndNote library.
Using the EndNote tab in Word, choose Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text.
A new copy of your thesis will be created without links to EndNote. Save this document with a new name such as thesis_unlinked.doc and submit this copy.

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