Answered By: Library Desk
Last Updated: 09 Aug 2017     Views: 142

Lexis Advance search connectors

/S – Words or terms must be within the same sentence

         Eg hearsay /s exceptions will produce results where both words are in the same sentence

/P – Words or terms must be within the same paragraph

         Eg hearsay /p exceptions will produce results where both words are in the same paragraph

AND Both words or terms must be present within the same document

         Eg Gillard and Swan will produce results where both words appear in the same document

ORAt least one of the words or terms must be present within the same document

         Eg NSW or New South Wales will produce results where one or other of the words is present in the same document

! or *Truncation - searches all possible endings to a word

         Eg crim! retrieves all words beginning with crim……eg crime, crimes, criminal, criminality etc

- Wildcard – searches all possible letters that could populate a space within a word

         Eg wom*n retrieves woman or women

         (Note: more than 1 * can be used in a word and * can be used at the beginning or end of a word)

AND NOTExcludes a word or term

         Eg mining and not Rinehart retrieves all documents that have the word mining but do not have the word          Rinehart anywhere in the text

/N – words or terms must be within a certain number of words

         Eg swan /5 budget will retrieve results where swan and budget are within 5 words of each other

         (Note: either term can appear first)


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