Answered By: Christine Barnes Last Updated: 27 Aug 2024 Views: 358
Go to the Library Subject Guides and select "Law"
Once you are in the Law Subject Guide, hover over the Primary Materials tab and select "Find Case Law"
Case law databases are listed under "Find case law (online)".
Once you are in Westlaw AU, under the tab 'Content types' - select 'All cases' & a simple 'cases' - one line search bar opens.
Below this search bar there is options to search - Latest cases / unreported Judgements / Cases by jurisdiction / Cases by practice area.
Cases - one line search bar - search using this single bar.
Advanced Search - Cases - specific / detailed search template - select 'Advanced' link at the far right of the search bar.
'Advanced search: cases' template opens.
Find Cases by Case Name or Party Name
In 'Cases' - one line search bar - enter names (no v required) & case options will start to appear below.
In 'Advanced search: cases' template - enter names in - 'Case Title/Party Name' field.
Find cases by Keywords
In 'Cases' - one line search bar - enter keywords & case options will start to appear below.
In 'Advanced search: cases' template - enter keyword or phrases in - 'Find documents that have' section.
* on the right of the search template - option to use the 'connectors & Expanders' to assist searching.
Find cases by Citation
In 'Cases' - one line search bar - enter citation & options will start to appear below.
In 'Advanced search: cases' template - enter citation in 'Citation' section.
Video - Introduction to searching for case law - Westlaw
Lexis + (Lexis+ is the new version of Lexis Advance)
Name search
From the search bar - change the drop down menu 'All content' & select AU cases.
In search bar - start typing name/s. Options will start to appear.
Names of cases can also be searched by -
Click on 'Advanced Search' & select 'AU cases' from the drop down list.
AU cases template search opens.
use 'Case Name' field to search.
Citation search
Click on 'Advanced Search' & select 'AU cases' from the drop down list.
AU cases template search opens.
In citation field - type in citation.
Topic search
Select 'Topics' on tab under the search bar.
Narrow search by selecting subcategory or using the 'Search Topics' option.
Topic can also be searched by -
Click on 'Advanced Search' & select 'AU cases' from the drop down list.
AU cases template search opens.
use 'Terms' field to search.
CCH iKnowConnect
Once you are in CCH iKnowConnect, you can either search or browse areas of law to find cases.
1. Search
2. Browse
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