Answered By: Library Desk
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2022     Views: 7690

The short answer is no, not in the same way journal articles are.

Peer-review essentially means that a written work has been evaluated by people (the author's peers) with knowledge in the same field who have verified the sources and information found within that particular work. With journal articles this is a formalised process and journals promote the fact that their articles have been through this review process.

With books, the process of fact-checking and verifying sources is done by the publisher during publication, and generally not by a panel of peers. It is not a formalised peer-review process.

Most books in the Library's collection are academic or scholarly works appropriate for use by university students, but there are ways you can evaluate the information you find to make sure it is of good quality. This includes: checking the author's credentials and any affiliations with academic institutions or organisations; checking the bibliographies and reference lists; and critically evaluating the text for bias, evidence and relevancy. The Library has a handout about evaluating information sources linked below that might help you analyse the information that you find.

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