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UC Library Guides
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This guide provides you with links to online resources for Law
This guide includes a tutorial about Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Health, a Reference Shelf of supporting eBooks, and a Toolkit of online sources of evidence.
This guide will show you how and where to find the material for a literature review
This guide provides you with information on finding key sources of Australian and international statistics and data.
This open site has been created for high school students and the general community.
Guide to accessing and using e-books at University of Canberra.
This guide will assist students in understanding Gen AI and how it can be used in the University of Canberra.
This guide provides copyright information and links, but not legal opinion, which are relevant to the University community
Sources for images and photographs, and information on referencing images
This guide provides you with links to resources in teaching English to speakers of other languages, and other language teaching.
What is a preprint
This guide should be used in conjunction with the Law Library Guide
LTI UC Learn - Different JS
This guide explains open access publishing agreements provided for UC researchers by the Library.
Links for information on academic integrity, referencing and GenAI
This Subject Guide provides you with starting points for finding information for Nursing & Midwifery.
This guide contains information about services and resources specifically for academic researchers and postgraduates at University of Canberra.
This guide helps users search in, Mint Global, Westlaw AU, Westlaw, LexisNexis AU, Nexis, Web of Science and Scopus.
This is a guide to the library's off-campus services for staff and students studying and working remotely.
This guide provides information about reading lists
Free online training and general literacy resources
Basic digital literacy for first year students
How to find online material in the Library
A-Z Database List (Site: 7690)
Some full text. Australian education index covering curriculum, educational research, policy administration, psychology, sociology, teaching, and training. Coverage: Full text articles: 2000 - present ; Index: 1978 - present
Subjects- Education;
- Advertising, Communication, Media
Resources provided by the Australian Accounting Standards Board. Free resource.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Index. A database of abstracts related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Key database for business, economics and information systems providing access to journal articles, working papers, business and industry news plus country and industry focused reports. Coverage: 1971–present
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Index prepared by the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. Includes accounting, auditing, taxation, insolvency, corporations law, superannuation, retirement planning, financial planning, practice management and human resources. Coverage: 1982 - present
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Covers all areas of computing. Includes ebooks, journal articles, conference proceedings, theses and industry reports.
Subjects- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Advertising, Communication, Media
Acumen provides access to resources about managing architectural practices and projects. (No login required on page.)
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Authoritative and peer reviewed legal research from the Australasia and Asia-Pacific regions, indexed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.
Coverage:Full text articles: 1999 - present ; Index: 1975 - present- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Law & Justice
Catalog of the National Agricultural Library (US) Indexes journal articles, book chapters, short reports, and reprints on agriculture and environmental management.
Subjects- Science
No longer updated. Indexes and abstracts articles on library and information science.
Coverage: 1982 - April 2005- Advertising, Communication, Media
Searches a subset of PubMed articles and reports on alternatives to the use of live vertibrates in biomedical research and testing.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Repository of mathematical works in progress hosted by the American Mathematical Society as a service to researchers, teachers and students. Includes course notes, textbooks, and research expositions in progress.
Subjects- Information Technology & Engineering
No longer updated. Indexes and abstracts articles on Australian agriculture, food, forestry and fisheries industries. Coverage: 1984 - June 2007
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Science
Provides access to all available Australian marine and climate science data and provides the primary access to IMOS data (Integrated Marine Observing System).
Subjects- Science
Australian multidisciplinary database. Covering the areas of business, health, current affairs, economics, humanities, law, literature, politics and social sciences.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Covers Australian architects, architecture, building, interior design and landscape architecture. Produced by the Stanton Library, North Sydney Council.
Coverage: 1980 - present. (Index only)- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Current information, historical detail and published material relating to agreements made between Indigenous people and others in Australia and overseas
Subjects- Indigenous Studies;
- Law & Justice
Index. Covers Australian Indigenous health, including theses, unpublished articles, government reports, conference papers, abstracts, book chapters, books, discussion and working papers, and statistical documents. Coverage: 1900 - present
Subjects- Health;
- Indigenous Studies
Index to all aspects of Australian sport including administration, children, coaching, disabled, economics, facilities, history, medicine, nutrition, physiology, psychology, women and Olympic Games (Sydney 2000).
Produced by the National Sport Information Centre, Australian Sports Commission.
Coverage: 1989 - August 2012- Health
Legislation, court decisions and legal resources.
Free resource.- Law & Justice
This node of the Australian Data Archive (ADA) manages the collection and storage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research data
Subjects- Indigenous Studies
This site has annotated links over 500 resources for more than 150 languages
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Indigenous Studies
Database of children's books written by and or about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, age range birth-12 years. Includes Australian Curriculum and/or the Early Years Learning Framework codes and links to teaching resources. Books can be viewed in the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature (located in the Hub, in front of the Library building).
Subjects- Education;
- Indigenous Studies
Gathers video content from free online courses and offers some original videos. See individual items for copyright rules.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Multidisciplinary database. Over 8500 full text journals (7,300 are peer reviewed) and indexing 13,000 publications.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
- Subjects
- Health
A database which gives access to a range of physiotherapy related material including textbooks, multimedia, drug information and interactive dissection tools.
Subjects- Health
Scholarly journals and other key resources about the financial services industry, including accounting, auditing, tax, banking, and financial management. Coverage: 1971 – Present
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
APO specialises in grey literature and provides access to a range of research reports, working papers, discussion papers and statistics for effective public policy debate, decision making and implementation.
Includes PDF annual reports for many Includes Australian Stock Exchange listed and delisted companies back to 1995.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Search over 6000 artists to find their works in museum collections or browse by movement, medium, subject, or nationality
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Access via Web of Science. Index to scholarly literature in the arts and humanities, proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. Coverage: 1975-present.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Researchers
Includes 400 journals covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.
Coverage: 1970 – Present- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
National database of Australia's flora and fauna. Collaborative national project that aggregates biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it available and usable online.
Subjects- Science
AusDI provides fast access to AusDI Independent Drug Monographs, pharmaceutical company product information, consumer medicine information leaflets, drug product images, product identifier module, and drug interaction systems. Unlimited access.
To access via tablet or mobile, first log in via desktop PC or laptop. Select “Login to personalise” then “Register for Access”, to create account details that can then be used on the AusDI Mobile site- Health
Index to Australian fiction and poetry, writing for the theatre, biographical and travel writing, writing for film and television, criticism and reviews.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education
Free-access resource. Includes a collection of Australian and New Zealand law journals.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Australia’s national statistical agency, providing official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters of importance to Australia.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Indigenous Studies;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
The Clinical Practice Guidelines Portal provides access to clinical practice guidelines produced for Australian practice that have been assessed against criteria modified from the United States National Guidelines Clearinghouse, and adapted to the Australian context.
Subjects- Health
This National Health and Medical Research Council website provides a search for Australian trials and a list of other clinical trials registers. Includes general information about clinical trials for consumers and health care professionals.
Subjects- Health
A national service for the collection and preservation of research data relating to social, political and economic affairs. Consists of seven sub archives: Social Science, Historical, Indigenous, Longitudinal, Qualitative, Crime & Justice and International.
Subjects- Researchers
Concise, informative and fascinating descriptions of the lives of significant and representative persons in Australian history.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
ADIN provides a gateway to organisations providing services, research, guidelines, policies and many other resources relevant to alcohol, drugs and mental health.
Subjects- Health
Index to Australian engineering information including: agricultural, aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, coastal, computer, earthquake, education, electrical, electronic, geotechnical, management, materials, mechanical, military, ocean, railway, structural, transport, tunnelling and water.
Coverage: 1980 - present- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Indexes and abstracts articles from published and unpublished material on policing, criminology, law enforcement and related fields.
Coverage: 1991 - present- Law & Justice
Indexes and abstracts articles on Australia's natural and cultural environment.
Coverage: 1987 - present- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Indigenous Studies;
- Science
Index to historical information about indigenous people in NSW. Freely accessible website produced by the State Library of NSW.
Subjects- Indigenous Studies
Provides up-to-date and vital information on more than 500 injectable medicines and is an essential frontline resource ensuring patient safety and quality care.
3 concurrent users.- Health
The AIHW is a national agency providing reliable, regular and relevant information and statistics on Australia's health and welfare.
Subjects- Health
Contains overviews of research undertaken; online data centre; reports and other publications
Subjects- Science
Comparative drug and therapeutic information, including indications, dosage, formulations, etc.
May not have full functionality if using IE7 or earlier browser.- Health;
- Science
Register of clinical trials being undertaken in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. Includes trials from the full spectrum of therapeutic areas of pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, preventive measures, lifestyle, devices, treatment and rehabilitation strategies and complementary therapies.
Subjects- Health
Australia's free, national, independent journal of drugs and therapeutics.
Subjects- Health
This Legal Database is a collection of legal and policy information used by the Australian Taxation Office when making tax determinations. Free resource.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines for academic open access web resources. BASE provides more than 100 million documents from more than 5,000 sources. You can access full text for about 60% of the indexed documents.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
Multimedia content including tools to help with the study of TV, radio, and online journalism (some resources are restricted to the UK). Includes the BBC News style guide. Select Collections to browse through topics.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media
Free index provides access to over 190,000 bibliographic citations for conservation literature. BCIN includes citations from the Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (prior to 1998), technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, books and audiovisual and unpublished materials.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
BMC Proceedings is an online, open access journal publishing proceedings of conferences, including both peer-reviewed full-length articles and collections of meeting abstracts.
Index to all aspects of building, construction and engineering, building research, building materials, building services, structural engineering, building regulations, urban and regional planning, and fire technology.
Coverage: 1989 - February 2002- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
BenchTV is streaming platform which provides original, current, legal content, published daily and weekly.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Collection of open access online journals in science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Science
Collection of open access journals.
Open Access peer-reviewed Biomedical journals. Users must register (free) to search the journal database. Browsing does not require registration.
Subjects- Health
Provides access to journals covering a wide range of biology-related topics such as environmental studies, biological chemistry & microbiology.
Coverage:1998 – Present- Science
Records information about the lives and works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers and storytellers and the literary cultures and traditions that formed and influenced them.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Indigenous Studies
Collections of text and image content covering architecture, urbanism, interior design. Comprises:
The Core Collection: Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, interactive visual timeline of global architectural history, and Bloomsbury’s library of architecture ebooks.
Architecture Design & Practice Online: over 200 titles focusing on studio design, technical detail, and professional practice.- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Provides access to building codes in Australia.
Two user license, please log out after use. Before downloading a Standard: 1. Install the FileOpen Plugin 2. Ensure you have a current PDF Reader- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Australia's national weather, climate and water agency.
Contents of this site are partially under Creative Commons license.- Science
Provides company, industry, and geopolitical macroeconomic market research information for public and private companies including company overviews, history, competitors, summary financials as well as in-depth industry analyses.
Coverage: 1986 – present- Accounting, Business, Management
Searches Business Source Complete, EconLit, Hospitality & Tourism Index and Regional Business News
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Government & Policy;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Multidisciplinary with coverage of marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, & economics. Content includes books, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Regularly-updated publications in corporations law, credit, family, tax, trade practices, OH&S, sales, torts... Includes Australian Master Tax Guide.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Law & Justice
Provides full text to more than 770 journals in the areas of nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and allied health disciplines.
Subjects- Health
Covers all aspects of crime and criminal justice including corrections, crime, crime prevention, criminal law, criminology, juvenile justice, law enforcement, police and victims of crime.
Coverage: 1968 - present- Law & Justice
CORE provides searchable access to millions of research papers from repositories and Open Access journals. Useful for locating theses and dissertations.
Best viewed in Firefox or Chrome browsers- Researchers
Full text Australian scientific journals.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Records more than 80 years of CSIRO research publications, such as journal articles, conference papers, books, and reports.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Free access to bibliometric indicators on scientific journals, calculated by Leiden University’s Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) based on the Scopus bibliographic database.
Subjects- Researchers
Ebooks and journals published by University of Cambridge Press.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers
News and information services related to governing Australia. It includes information from Parliament, Government and the Courts, such as press releases, statements, transcripts, reports, legislation, tabled papers, treaties, gazettes, High Court judgments, decisions of the Federal Court and the AAT, and more.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy;
- Law & Justice
Conference abstracts, non-indexed journals, theses, government department and other organisation documents, national programs and research studies which address palliative care information and evidence.
Subjects- Health
Resource of palliative care information and evidence and provides an extensive range of information and links about evidence-based practice in healthcare for health professionals, patients, carers, family, and friends.
Subjects- Health
Chemistry and biology reference database with almost 2 million compounds indexed. Requires free registration.
Subjects- Science
Collection of preprint chemistry research articles. These articles are not yet peer-reviewed.
Subjects- Science
A free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 29 million structures from hundreds of data sources
Subjects- Health;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Collection of digitized images of buildings and cities from across time and throughout the world. Search for buildings by country, city, style, title, architect, date of construction
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Australian Sports Commission's information and knowledge sharing repository. Free website.
Subjects- Health
Streamed videos on a broad range of subjects. Also includes off air television documentaries & movies. Staff can embed ClickView videos in Canvas. See help guide for more information.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education;
- Interdisciplinary
International registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
Subjects- Health
Abstracts of over 400,000 reports of trials identified by contributors to the Cochrane Collaboration. CENTRAL provides individual reviewers with easy and reliable access to the maximum possible number of trials relevant to their review topic. Trials are identified from multiple sources, including searches of bibliographic databases, hand searches of many hundreds of journals and conference proceedings, and searches of other trial registers.
Subjects- Health
Contains systematic reviews and index to journal articles in the evidence-based health care area.
Subjects- Health
Online repository for self-archived papers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, and linguistics, and many areas of computer science, philosophy and biology.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Health
Provides access to research in the areas of communication and mass media.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media
Clinical Psychology full text reference work.
Subjects- Health
Includes many engineering disciplines, computer theory & systems, new technologies, and social & professional context.
Subjects- Information Technology & Engineering
Provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of computer and information systems-related topics.
Coverage:1998 - present- Information Technology & Engineering
Provides access to cited conference proceedings in the science area.
Coverage from 1990-present.- Researchers;
- Science
Provides access to cited conference proceedings in the social science and humanities areas.
Coverage from 1990-present.- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Researchers
Consumer Health Complete supports the information needs of patients and fosters an overall understanding of health-related topics. This resource provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine.
Provides courses, video lectures, documentaries, images, books, and other multimedia in dozens of subjects.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Search portal to locate media which may be under creative commons licencing.
Use the ? icon for instructions.- Interdisciplinary
Contains International research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications as well as litigation and crime trends.
Coverage: 1981 - Present- Law & Justice
Chemical compound information, coverage 1985-present.
(Includes Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle structure data back to 1840)- Science
Multidisciplinary index to more than 8,000 journals; coverage 1998-present.
Subjects- Researchers
Provides more than 200,000 journals references covering teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology. Coverage early 1900s to present.
Subjects- Health
Access to over 710,000 open access theses from European universities.
Subjects- Researchers
An index of articles from published and unpublished material on English second language learning and teaching in Australasia. No longer updated. Coverage: 1985 - January 2008
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education
Collection of over 10,000 academic peer-reviewed ebooks. These books can also be found in the Library Catalogue.
Free full text quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
Access journal articles and manuscripts resulting from US Department of Energy research funding.
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Science
Included content: DSM-5-TR, DSM-5, DSM-5-TR Clinical Cases, DSM-5-TR Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-5 Handbook on the Cultural Formulation Interview, Spanish Edition of the Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5.
Subjects- Health
Public datasets from the Australian Government.
Subjects- Researchers
De Gruyter Open publishes fully open access journals and books in all major academic disciplines.
Open access database of biographical data about Australian artists, designers, craftspeople and curators, and their works and exhibitions.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Open access scholarly papers from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Subsets include architecture, humanities, business, education, engineering, law, life sciences, medicine, physical sciences, and social & behavioural sciences.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers
Open Access index for locating published proceedings in the sciences, technology, and humanities.
Quick access to drug information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and other key U.S. Government agencies. Information on drugs from the time they are entered into clinical trials through to their entry in the market place.
A curated resource that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad provides a general-purpose home for a wide diversity of datatypes
Subjects- Researchers
Multidisciplinary collection of databases of journals, chapters, and reports including business, management, health and nursing, education, professional development.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Over 510,000 images relating to people, natural science, places, history, maps and flags
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
EBSCO offers more than one million high-quality e-book titles and over 70,000 audiobooks from more than 1,500 major academic publishers and University Presses from around the world.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
ARCHIVE - NO LONGER UPDATED. Index and abstracts articles that provide international coverage on management, environmental, packaging and building topics.
Coverage: 1985 - May 2007- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Open access version of the ERIC database. Some full text documents available.
Subjects- Education
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a free online index to education research and information, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Includes some full text articles.
Subjects- Education
Index to UK doctoral theses.
The American Economic Association's index to economic literature. The database contains more than 1.1 million records.
Coverage: 1886 - present.- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy
Supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including adult, primary, secondary, tertiary, and special needs.
Coverage:1988 – Present- Education
Covers all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialities, including multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Subjects- Education;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy
Lists scholarly journals available on the Internet. Service founded in 1997 by University Library of Regensburg and University Library of Technische Universität München.
Directory of peer-reviewed, open access journals published by Elsevier.
Academic journals and book chapters in communication, education, library and information management, computing and management.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Index to journals which are under review for possible inclusion in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) or Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
Coverage: 2015 - presentApplied Psychology reference work, including subject index.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Health
EndNote Web is a Web-based tool for managing and citing references in papers and creating bibliographies. It syncs seamlessly with EndNote (desktop version) which is available for loan or download from the UC Library.
ARCHIVE - NO LONGER UPDATED. Index covers the environment and related fields in Australia.
Coverage 1987 - Oct 2011.- Science
This service contains the law governing expert evidence in litigation, rules of evidence, procedural requirements and explanation of the fields of expertise.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Contains research, policy and practice issues about Australian families, including issues such as children and child development, marriage and divorce, adoption and foster care, child abuse and domestic violence, family economics, health, housing, population studies etc.
Coverage: 1980 - present- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health
Covers family, marriage, women; culture and institutions, private, civil and family law; social services and public welfare. Content includes peer-reviewed journals from government and specialist associations tackling modern debates on topics including non-traditional families, parenting, marriage, divorce, division of labour, working mothers, birth rates and ageing.
Coverage:1976 - present
Note: The contents of this database are also indexed in FAMILY (Australian Family & Society Abstracts Database)- Government & Policy;
- Health
Includes journals and magazines covering a broad range of health topics, from sports injuries to women's health, food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.
Coverage:1988 – Present- Health
Authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents. It contains the full text and details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them. This website incorporates all content previously published on ComLaw.
Subjects- Law & Justice
The public domain ebooks are free to download from this site. There are thousands of public domain ebooks in many subject areas.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
This diagnosis tool is intended primarily for physicians and other health professionals concerned with the diagnosis of rare diseases. It uses freely available high quality curated information.
Subjects- Health
Access to current Australian case law.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Find user-created images and video content. To find material for re-use, select the type of licence (e.g. modifications allowed, all creative commons, etc).
Creative commons subset of the Flickr image and video hosting website. Browse or search through content under each type of CC licence.
Lists a large number of medical journals that provide free full-text access on the web.
Subjects- Health
A collaborative database of Creative Commons-licensed sounds.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Site compiles links to free online medical books.
Subjects- Health
Database of free & open access computer science books, textbooks, and lecture notes.
Subjects- Information Technology & Engineering
Gartner provides access to research and analysis covering all aspects of the Information Technology industry, including the areas of Application Development, Business Applications, Business Objectives, Communications Equipment, Communications Services, Computing Hardware, IT Management, IT Services, Semiconductors, Software Infrastructure & Technology and Society.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Gazette of Law and Journalism has a a comprehensive database of materials on defamation, contempt, suppression, protection of sources, freedom of information and privacy.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Law & Justice
The NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences
Subjects- Health
A data repository for supplemental information for authors of articles in Geological Society of America journals
Subjects- Science
Single point of access to geological and geophysical data and information about legal requirements for exploration in all Australian jurisdictions. Includes geological maps, mining and mineral information
Subjects- Science
Coverage: 1990 - October 2006. Covers Australian economics, econometrics, economic modelling, finance, accounting, banking, international trade, tax, management, marketing and employee relations.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy
An integrated database and journal that publishes biological and biomedical research datasets that are affiliated with BioMed Central in collaboration with BGI, DataCite, BioSharing, and ISA-Tab.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Open access data and information about the occurrence of organisms over time and across the planet
Subjects- Science
GHO is a gateway to comprehensive health-related data and statistics from all around the world.
Subjects- Health
12th edition. Provides up-to-date information on pharmacology, including critical areas such as molecular biology, new drugs, and clinical studies.
2 user licences. Please log out immediately after use.Find images from websites. For freely reusable images, use the Usage Rights filter & select Creative Commons licences.
Search the world's most comprehensive index to the content of books. Some books have chapters available to view.
Web search engine for multidisciplinary scholarly literature.
To see UC subscriptions in your search results (off campus):
Go to Settings
Library Links - type: UC Library
Select 'Full-text at UC Library'- Researchers
Explore over 1000 great buildings from around the world and across history, with photographic images, architectural drawings, discussion, bibliography (with links to architect info, and live 3D walk-through computer models
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
GreenFILE covers all aspects of human impact on the environment, including content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Government & Policy;
- Science
The New York Academy of Medicine's Grey Literature Report contains new grey literature publications in health services research and selected public health topics.
The database platform is also keyword searchable for content from the archive of previous reports.Includes clinical, nutritional, medical, social and psychological aspects of HIV/AIDS, as well as the relationship between alcohol and other drugs to HIV/AIDS. Coverage: 1980 to present.
Subjects- Health
Complete contents of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.
2 user licences. Please log out immediately after use.- Health;
- Science
Partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitised from libraries around the world.
UC is not a Hathitrust partner. Only out-of-copyright material can be accessed without institutional login.This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more.
Subjects- Health
Coverage: 1980 - present. Subset of Australian Family & Society Abstracts (FAMILY), produced by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. Covers health policy and services and the social, psychological, legal and ethical issues associated with health in Australia.
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Health
Covers the areas of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Health
This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Health
US National Library of Medicine database of ongoing health services research and projects, which are yet to be published.
Subjects- Health
The site provides easy access to a wide range of up-to-date and reliable information on a vast range of health conditions.
Subjects- Health
HeinOnline provides access to almost 50 million pages of legal information. The collection is mostly international in focus (especially US), with access to legal resources such as: Legal Classics, Law Journal Library, U.S. Supreme Court Library, U.S. Federal Legislative History Lib, amongst others.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Includes full text for more than 1200 journals, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education
ICLR.4 is a legal online research platform that provides access to every case published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales together with an archive of unreported case law and citator information.
Subjects- Law & Justice
An archive of publications by ICOMOS and the international community on heritage conservation. All publications not by ICOMOS are peer reviewed.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Free database of economics publications.
Provides full-text access to articles, papers and standards in computer science, electrical engineering, medical imaging, and electronics.
Subjects- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Collection of preprint articles (not yet peer reviewed) from the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Stony Brook
Primary clinical trial registry recognised by WHO and ICMJE that accepts all clinical research studies (whether proposed, ongoing or completed), providing content validation and curation and the unique identification number necessary for publication.
Subjects- Health
Searchable collections of images and textures which are available for reuse and modification.
Over 8,000 digitised photographs of the ACT and region. Contact the ACT Heritage Library for permission to reproduce images.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Science, Technology and Medicine open access book publisher.
Index of chemical compound information. Coverage 1993 - present.
Subjects- Law & Justice;
- Science
Archive of collections of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Library. No longer updated. Coverage: 1968 - December 2002.
Subjects- Indigenous Studies
Published and unpublished material on Australian Indigenous studies. Coverage 1990 - present
Subjects- Indigenous Studies
Multidisciplinary Australasian journal indexes with some full text.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Australian research articles, reports and case studies in therapeutic, diagnostic and preventative health. Coverage: 1977 - present
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Science
Multidisciplinary content from and about Australia, NZ, Pacific region, and South East Asia. Includes peer reviewed journals, monographs and books, conference proceedings, research papers and reference materials
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Law & Justice
Content includes anthropology, community development, cultural studies, economics, education, health, history, human geography, law and land rights, literature, politics and policymaking, (post)colonial studies, psychology, race studies, sociology and visual and performing arts. Coverage: 1977 - present
Subjects- Indigenous Studies;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health
Fiction, poetry, cultural politics, commentaries, debate and ideas that have helped define the unique Australian identity. Journals include Meanjin, Quadrant, Island, Wet Ink, Griffith Review and Southerly. Coverage: 1940 - present.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media
Free online database of 2D and 3D images and information exploring the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
Subjects- Health
Provides free access to bibliographic information about ongoing and published health technology assessments commissioned or undertaken by HTA organisations from around the world. It is a valuable source for identifying grey literature.
Subjects- Health
International Newsstream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy;
- Interdisciplinary
Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in Medline to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.
Subjects- Researchers
Evidence–based information and tools for providing the best possible patient care Includes Evidence Based Recommended Practices, Evidence Summaries, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews, Consumer Information Sheets, Systematic Review Protocols, & Technical Reports.
Subjects- Health
A multidisciplinary archive of journal articles, books, images, and primary sources.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
A unique search-engine dedicated to indexing free and open access journals and theses in the arts and humanities, science, biomedical, business and ecology related topics.
Subjects- Health;
- Researchers;
- Science
Free legal database that collects the recent decisions of selected Australian Courts and Tribunals. Current law students may register for a free premium subscription.
Subjects- Law & Justice
The Journal of Open Psychology Data (JOPD) features peer reviewed data papers describing psychology datasets with high reuse potential
Free plug-in for Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers. Automatically searches for an open access OR UC-subscribed PDF of any article page you visit, and adds additional PDF buttons to Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PubMed.
Subjects- Researchers
Information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed, and possible adverse effects in nursing infants. Suggested therapeutic alternatives to those drugs are provided, where appropriate.
Subjects- Health
Lexis+ is the new version of Lexis Advance, incorporating intuitive and powerful AI-features. It is a platform for Australian and New Zealand law material. Includes Halsbury's Laws of Australia, CaseBase, Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents and LawNow Legislation.
Subjects- Law & Justice;
- Faculty of Business, Government, and Law;
- Government & Policy
The national database of Australian library holdings. This information is also available through Trove.
Subjects- Researchers
Includes cultural heritage, librarianship, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media
Includes full-text journals and other sources in all aspects of linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
This full-text database provides information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, teachers and librarians a range of literary reference works to meet their research needs.
This search tool provides easy access to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander health literature on the Pubmed database. Freely accessible website.
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Indigenous Studies
Key database for medicine and health research produced by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Key database for medicine and health research produced by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM). This database is also available via EbscoHost.
Subjects- Health
Huge collection of peer reviewed open access learning materials organised by subject. Free registration.
Subjects- Education
Open access course materials (videos, notes, exams) for almost all MIT course content.
Subjects- Education
Medical reference database covering a wide range of medical topics, including disorders, tests, diagnoses, and drugs. Also includes audio, 3D models, and animations.
Subjects- Health
Indexes and abstracts articles that provide international coverage on management, environmental, packaging and building topics. Subset of the EDGE database.
Coverage: 1985 - July 2006.A multidisciplinary database of general-interest reference books, primary source documents, and images.
Subjects- Government & Policy
Brings together in one place the majority of the leading materials science databases¸ with specialist content on materials science¸ metallurgy¸ ceramics¸ polymers¸ and composites used in engineering application. Everything from raw materials and refining through processing¸ welding and fabrication to end us¸ corrosion¸ performance and recycling is covered in depth for all metals¸ alloys¸ polymers¸ ceramics¸ and composites. Incluides over 3¸000 primary journals plus trade literature¸ patents¸ newspapers¸ press releases¸ conference proceedings¸ books and reports. Coverage: 1966 - present
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Mednar is a free, medically-focused deep web search engine. As an alternative to Google, Mednar accelerates your research with a search of authoritative public and deep web resources. Searches occur in real time and can be limited to full text.
Subjects- Health
A free online Medical Image Database with over 12,000 patient case scenarios, 9,000 topics, and nearly 59,000 images.
Subjects- Health
Historic index to articles from Australian daily newspapers. ARCHIVE ONLY, no longer updated. Coverage: 1991 - 30 June 2009
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media
Martindale/Micromedex provides concise information on drugs in clinical use, investigational and herbal drugs, diagnostic agents, pesticides, coloring agents, preservatives, and noxious substances. Summaries of relevant information, referenced abstracts, and reviews with expanded detail are included as well as therapeutic data, synonyms, and manufacturer brand names.
5 Concurrent Users License. Please log out immediately after use.- Health
Open access books and journals published by Monash University Press
Index to all aspects of Australian immigration and multicultural issues. Coverage: 1988 - present.
Subjects- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Indigenous Studies
Descriptive database of Australian children's books which feature or explore diverse cultures. Includes Australian Curriculum and/or the Early Years Learning Framework codes. Books can be viewed in the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature (located in the Hub, in front of the Library building).
Subjects- Education
CSIRO vessel-collected (ship) data collected over the past 30 years, as well as such related datasets as those collected with moored instrument arrays (moorings) in the Australasian region.
Subjects- Science
Index to online theses.
Subjects- Researchers
Index to peer reviewed articles and research papers held in New Zealand institutions.
Subjects- Researchers
US database of research data in criminal justice and criminology.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.
Subjects- Health
Hosts and provides public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth with over 20 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data.
Subjects- Science
A comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines produced by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (USA), in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans.
NOTE: Guideline evidence varies from expert opinion to high levels of evidence.- Health
UK-produced guidelines, advice, quality standards and information services for health, public health and social care. Also contains resources to help maximise use of evidence and guidance.
Subjects- Health
Evidence-based information on natural medicines.
Subjects- Health
Online access to digitised drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, videos, and audio from the collections of the New York Public Library.
This database offers coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.
Subjects- Health
A free preprint service for the nutritional sciences.
Subjects- Health
Catalogue of millions of records representing open access digital resources which are held in open access collections worldwide.
Collection of freely accessible, peer-reviewed academic ebooks, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences
OECD's Online Library of Statistical Databases, Books, and Periodicals in full text. Covers OECD member countries and other major countries.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
Teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost, and without needing to ask permission.
Includes full university courses, mini-lessons, adaptations, open textbooks, and K-12 materials.- Education
ERu network of institutions offers free online courses for students worldwide. The OERu partners also provide affordable ways for learners to gain academic credit towards qualifications from recognised institutions.
Full text collection of preprint articles in architecture,humanities, business, economics, education, engineering, law, health, and social sciences.
Subjects- Researchers;
- Science
Search engine containing abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.
Freely accessible website.- Health
A multidisplinary list of repositories and databases for open data.
List of Open Access subject repositories
A collection of high quality, free-to-use courses that you can download and use for teaching. Content is stored in Google Docs.
Subjects- Education
Index to mainly 20th Century American theses. Includes some links to full text in institutional repositories. Free database.
Subjects- Researchers
Teaching and learning materials from the University of Michigan licensed under Creative Commons.
Subjects- Education
(Site replaces Sherpa Romeo.) Find journal, publisher, and funder open access policies. Publisher information includes open access book policies.
Subjects- Researchers
Open access textbooks published by the State University of New York. Free to download.
Subjects- Education
Directory which provides access to over 13000 scientific journals, indexed from DOAJ, eJDS, BioMed Central, HighWire Press and others.
Collection of open access textbooks which can be freely used, adapted, and distributed.
Subjects- Education
Open Yale Courses (OYC) provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the Internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences.
Subjects- Education
Open access biomedical images search engine.
Subjects- Health
Open access scholarly research index.
Subjects- Researchers;
- Interdisciplinary
Authoritative directory of academic open access repositories.
Subjects- Researchers
A multidisciplinary database with content from a range of European sites with research reports, conference papers, dissertations and other types of grey literature covering science, biomedical science, social science and humanities.
Subjects- Health;
- Researchers
Offers a full range of course materials from The Open University in various subject areas and at various levels.
Subjects- Education
Free, open access textbooks in a range of disciplines. Print copies can be purchased. Includes instructor-only materials.
Subjects- Education
World's largest collection of open education resources, available for reuse and remix.
Subjects- Education
Open courseware, Textbooks, 3d object models, learning modules, and videos. Also includes material suitable for K-12 teachers.
Subjects- Education
Full text journals and ebooks in the field of Health. Also includes the JBI EBP database.
Subjects- Health
Multidisciplinary collection of journals published by Oxford University Press.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Health;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Over 300 dictionaries, language reference and subject reference ebooks published by Oxford University Press.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Collection of ebooks in Business and Management published by Oxford University Press. 15 simultaneous users.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management
Collection of ebooks in the Political Sciences published by Oxford University Press. 15 simultaneous users.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy
An open access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system research
Subjects- Science
PDQ ("Pretty darn quick")-Evidence provides access to systematic reviews of health systems evidence. Links together systematic reviews, overviews of reviews and primary studies.
Subjects- Health
Randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. Free access.
Subjects- Health
Publishes eight peer-reviewed open-access scientific journals. The journals vary in their selectivity and contain differing amounts of commentary articles from opinion leaders in a variety of scientific disciplines.The journals are editorially independent.
Subjects- Researchers;
- Science
One of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, publishing more than 3,100 research papers annually. Coverage: biological, physical, and social sciences. Includes some open access articles.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Science
Full text open access dissertations and theses.
Searchable preprint articles in the areas of medical, biological and computer sciences. Articles are not yet peer reviewed and may be in draft format.
Subjects- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Descriptive database of Australian children's picture books aimed at young people from Year 5 through secondary. These Include Australian Curriculum codes, annotations and teaching resources. Books can be viewed in the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature (located in the Hub, in front of UC Library, Building 8) .
Subjects- Education
Audio files and transcripts of talks given by architects, recorded 1955 - present.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Provides open access to facts, figures, and data with a focus on the impact of human activities on the polar regions as well as offering access to the latest scientific discoveries, findings and insights into the changes in the Arctic and Antarctica.
Subjects- Science
Provides access to hundreds of leading political science, public policy, and international relations journals, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country reports, policy papers and other sources.
Coverage:1985 – Present- Law & Justice
Platform dedicated to making early versions of research outputs available, including original research articles and reviews. Content on Preprints is not yet peer reviewed and can receive feedback from readers.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers;
- Science
- Subjects
- Interdisciplinary
Index of dissertation and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day.
Subjects- Researchers
Provides limited access to international dissertations & theses on a range of topics.
There is a problem opening PDFs in this database using Internet Explorer, please use Mozilla Firefox.- Researchers
More than 17,000 ebooks in many disciplines. Read online or download to your device for a short term loan. These books are also listed in the Library catalogue.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Health;
- Indigenous Studies;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
Over 53,000 out of copyright ebooks available for download or online reading. Good source of classic literature and historic information.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Interdisciplinary
The ebooks on this site are in the public domain in Australia (not subject to copyright in Australia) and may be read and downloaded without charge.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Interdisciplinary
Includes full text access to over 300 peer reviewed humanities, arts, and social sciences journals.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Interdisciplinary
ProQuest Central brings together complete databases across major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world
A free preprint service for the psychological sciences maintained by The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science
Subjects- Health
Full text peer reviewed journal collection from the American Psychological Association.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy;
- Health
Abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, PsychInfo is a resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Coverage 1887 - present
Subjects- Health;
- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy;
- Law & Justice
Covers the topics of emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Psychology Database™ provides abstracts and indexing of key psychology journals. Users get access to charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements essential to psychological research.
Additionally, Psychology Database includes full text dissertations representing a range of psychology disciplines including behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial, personality, physiological, psychobiology, psychometrics and social psychology.- Health
World's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Open access medical database with links to many free online sources. Includes MEDLINE records.
Subjects- Health
PubMed Central (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Use the Clinical Queries entry point in PubMed to find systematic reviews and other evidence-based studies
Subjects- Health
(formerly IBIDS) A database of over 400 000 citations related to dietary supplements. This database allows searches to be limited to the Dietary Supplement (DS) Subset of PubMed.
Subjects- Health
ProQuest Public Health is a new database designed to be the ideal starting point for public health information and research. It delivers core public health literature with centralized access to over 800 publications with over 500 in full-text.
Subjects- Health
Image collection of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most images are copyright cleared and free to reuse.
Subjects- Health
Free software which tracks your research impact using Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search.
Repository of information about the 3D structures of large biological molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. The structures in the archive range from tiny proteins and bits of DNA to complex molecular machines like the ribosome.
Subjects- Science
Indexes and abstracts for all aspects of Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Coverage: 1982 - present- Science
Database on disability and rehabilitation. Describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities.
Subjects- Health
Digitised images from the British Architectural Library. Includes over 90,000 drawings, archives and photographs.
Reuse: If you sign up for a free registered user account you may download and use the low resolution Images available on RIBApix either for your own private study or as part of research for a non-commercial purpose provided you accompany each Image used with its title and the name of the photographer.- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Index to publishing in economics and related sciences created by hundreds of volunteers worldwide.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy
Descriptive database of Australian picture books for older readers. Includes Australian Curriculum and/or the Early Years Learning Framework codes and links to teaching resources. Books can be viewed at the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature, in the UC Hub.
Subjects- Education
Holds reports, newsletters, fact sheets and other documents from RRRC and the Marine & Tropical Sciences Research Facility. Research areas include the Great Barrier Reef, water quality, wet tropics rainforests, Torres Strait.
Subjects- Science
Provides access to US regional business publications.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy;
- Interdisciplinary
Lists and shows the growth and status of repositories throughout the world. Like OpenDOAR, ROAR has an option to search for a particular repository, or for open access content.
Subjects- Researchers
This is a searchable database on the internet. Best evidence is pre-rated for quality by research staff, then rated for clinical relevance and interest by at least 3 members of a worldwide panel of practicing occupational and physical therapists.
Subjects- Health
The flagship service of the Australian National Data Service (ANDS), provides a comprehensive window into the Australian Research Data Commons
Subjects- Researchers
Free index of journal articles, books and drawings in the architecture area.
The RIBA Library Catalogue incorporates the Architectural Publications Index.- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Multidisciplinary database of over 600 full text peer reviewed journals in the areas of communication, education, political science, psychology, science & technology, medicine, health science & nursing.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers;
- Science
Covers all aspects of the design, selection and application of research methodology, with over 100,000 pages from ebooks and journal articles.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers
- Subjects
- Health
Australian index to journal articles, conference papers, and other documents about copyright and intellectual property.
Coverage: 2000 - present- Law & Justice
Full text sport & sports medicine journals.
Subjects- Health
Collection of free, self-paced, online courses. The current focus is on the undergraduate level. Creative commons licensing.
Subjects- Education
Citation index to scientific research in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean and South Africa.
Coverage: 1997 - presentNOTE: Use this link to register the first time you use SciFinder.
SciFinder gives access to a collection of chemistry and related science information. You are able to search for substances, reactions, patent and journal references.- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Health;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
Read researcher reviews to select an efficient journal for submitting your manuscripts. Includes details such as time taken for each round of peer review, comments from researchers on the process.
Subjects- Researchers
Citation index to over 10,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities areas. Coverage: 1974 - present
Provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of both applied and general science topics.
Coverage: 1986 - Present- Science
Over 2000 peer-reviewed journals and a range of ebooks covering the areas of business & economics and the core disciplines of life, physical and social sciences.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
Open access journals available from the ScienceDirect publishing platform.
Subjects- Researchers
Access to a collection of chemistry and related science information. You are able to search for substances, reactions, patent and journal references.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Health;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
The SCImago Journal Rank website is free to access and uses journal information from the Scopus database. A useful tool for identifying and comparing journals.
Subjects- Researchers
Citation index. Covers scientific, technical, medical and social sciences literature including arts & humanities.
Does not support Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) or lower.- Researchers;
- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Science
- Subjects
- Researchers
Open access collection of preprint articles in the Arts and Humanities, Education, Law, and the Social and Behavioural Sciences supported by the Centre for Open Science.
Subjects- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Law & Justice
SocINDEX with Full Text is a sociology research database. The database features more than 1,986,000 records with subject headings from a 19,600+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and lexicographers.
Subjects- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice
Access via Web of Science, indexes over 10,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities areas. Coverage 1974-present.
Library of over 700,000 research papers across 30 disciplines.
Covers the international literature of sociology, social work and related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies.
Coverage:1985 - currentSpeech Pathology Database for Best Interventions and Treatment Efficacy (SpeechBITE) is an Australian database of evidence-based practice material related to speech pathology
Subjects- Health
Open access to preprint articles in sports research and discussion forum.
Subjects- Health;
- Science
Multidisciplinary online journal collection. (UC subscribed content only.)
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Full text access to Australian standards only. If licences are in use please try again later. Before downloading a Standard:
1. Install the FileOpen Plugin
2. Ensure you have a current PDF Reader. NB: to open downloaded standards with Adobe Acrobat not in a browser, see ? for details.
- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Information Technology & Engineering
Statistics portal that contains over 1 million statistics on more than 80 thousand topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries
Story Box Library is an Australian educational website, created for children to view stories by local authors and illustrators, being read aloud by predominantly Australian and New Zealand storytellers.
Use this link when accessing from outside UC Main Campus.- Education
Story Box Library is an Australian educational website, created for children to view stories by local authors and illustrators, being read aloud by predominantly Australian and New Zealand storytellers.
Use this link when accessing from UC Main Campus- Education
Build or reuse lessons around TED Ed originals, TED Talks, or YouTube videos.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
Clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. TRIP Pro also allows clinicians to search across other content types including images, videos, and patient information leaflets.
Subjects- Health
Australian tax commentary, journal articles, papers, presentations, daily news, and more.
First time users click more for details...- Accounting, Business, Management
Full text access to UC-subscribed content only. Includes over 30,000 recently published ebooks.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Interdisciplinary
Collection of Open Access journals published by Taylor & Francis.
Indexing and abstracts for the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
Subjects- Education
The Conversation is a collaboration between editors and academics to provide informed news analysis and commentary that’s free to read and republish.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Interdisciplinary
ICLR.3 is a legal online research platform that provides access to every case published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales together with an archive of unreported case law and citator information.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Index to Canadian theses and dissertations.
Subjects- Researchers
Use Trove to locate items held in Australian Libraries. Incorporates the national database of Australian library holdings, historic Australian newspapers and Government Gazettes, archived websites, digitised photographs, and other resources.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers
Historic Australian newspaper articles and government gazettes. Most coverage is between 1803-1954.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Interdisciplinary
UK social and economic data
Subjects- Government & Policy
Open access data on topics such as crime, the environment, gender, and health. Data can be sorted by country and date.
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
Publications produced by UNESCO or relating to topics covered by UNESCO. Includes texts relating to the development of conventions and councils such as ICOMOS. Select yes under Online access in the filters to search available resources.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Faculty of Arts and Design
Recent premium U.S. news content and archives back to the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Government & Policy;
- Interdisciplinary
Directory of information about journals, includes each journal's peer review status (refereed/not refereed) and publisher information. Search by journal title or ISSN.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary;
- Researchers
Provides open access to the materials used in a variety of United Nations University courses.
Subjects- Education
Preserves and provides access to the research outputs of the University of Canberra. The Repository showcases UC research publications such as books, book chapters, refereed journal articles, refereed conference papers, and student theses.
UpToDate is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource which clinicians trust to make the right point-of-care decisions. It is continuously updated and includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to drug monographs and drug-to-drug, drug-to-herb, & herb-to-herb interactions information, and medical calculators.
Subjects- Health
International database which covers tertiary education outcomes (including VET, adult and community education), research, policy and published statistics. Free index, includes some links to full text.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Education
Search images from the V&A's collections, including ceramics, fashion, furniture, glass, metalwork, paintings, photographs, prints, sculpture and textiles
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Provides comprehensive marketing information from around the the world, including case studies, best practice guides, marketing intelligence, consumer insight, industry trends and the latest news from around the world.
Subjects- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Accounting, Business, Management
Covers historic Australian employment, industrial relations and related topics.
Coverage: 1907 - December 2002- Accounting, Business, Management
Virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture from 12th to mid-19th centuries
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
Provides access to Open Access conference proceedings journals in biology, life sciences and health, environmental and earth sciences, physics, IT and mathematics, materials science, and humanities.
Subjects- Researchers
Includes: ISI Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded 1974+, Social Sciences Citation Index 1974+ and Arts and Humanities Citation Index 1975+); ISI Current Contents Connect; ISI Journal Citation Reports; MEDLINE
Subjects- Health;
- Researchers;
- Science
Science Citation Index Expanded (1974+)
Social Sciences Citation Index (1974+)
Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975+)
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (1990+)
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (1990+)
Current Chemical Reactions (1985+)
Index Chemicus (1993+)- Researchers;
- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy;
- Science
Access to U.S., U.K. and other International Primary and Secondary law materials.
Please use your UC ID number as client ID when logging in for the first time.- Law & Justice
Covers case law and journals, legislation and commentaries, encyclopaedias and news, including: Laws of Australia, Australian Digest, Australian Legal Monthly Digest, Principles of the Law of Trusts (Ford & Lee)
Please use your UC ID number as client ID when logging in for the first time.- Law & Justice
A media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
A Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university, including professional training and informal learning.
Subjects- Education
Multidisciplinary full text online journal collection.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Advertising, Communication, Media;
- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning;
- Education;
- Government & Policy;
- Health;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Law & Justice;
- Researchers;
- Science
The World Bank provides a comprehensive set of statistical data about development in countries around the globe, covering the areas of health, literacy, environment, industry, economic development, labour market conditions, amongst others.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy;
- Health
Free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe
The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant historic primary materials from all countries and cultures.
Subjects- Interdisciplinary
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. Provides leadership on global health matters. Broad range of information and statistics on many health topics.
Subjects- Government & Policy;
- Health
ICTRP provides access to a central database containing the trial registration data sets provided by a number of trial registries. It also provides links to the full original records.
Subjects- Health
Publications, data, and resources produced by the World Trade Organization.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Government & Policy
The World's largest library catalogue.
Subjects- Researchers
Find courts and case law by country, as well as International courts and tribunals. Free website.
Subjects- Law & Justice
Open access to over one million academic articles in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.
Subjects- Accounting, Business, Management;
- Information Technology & Engineering;
- Science
This database includes information about more than 68000 built and unrealised projects from various architects and planners. The architecture of the 20th century is the main theme.
Subjects- Architecture, Building, Design, Planning
bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences.
Subjects- Health;
- Researchers;
- Science
The World Health Organisation's evidence-informed guidelines for nutritional actions.
Subjects- Health
Therapeutic recommendations designed to assist in the management of patients with specific health conditions. Recommendations are based on the latest international literature and have been interpreted by leading Australian medical experts. The guidelines are written principally for prescribers to provide clear, practical, succinct and up-to-date therapeutic information. The information is independent, unbiased and summarises current evidence and opinion.
Subjects- Health
Non-profit created by founding partners Harvard and MIT. It offers MOOCs and interactive online classes in subjects including law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence.
Hosts collections of simulation tooks, presentations, animations and teaching materials to support computational nanotechnology research, education, and collaboration.
Subjects- Information Technology & Engineering
(Previously DataBib.) Largest and most comprehensive registry of data repositories available on the web, lists over 1,700 repositories, over 70 are Australian. Browse by subject area.
Subjects- Researchers